
Experience peace, love, and freedom

The Catholic Church extends a warm invitation to those who haven't been to Confession in a while, encouraging them to experience the healing sacrament.

Embrace this step of faith, as many have found unexpected feelings of freedom, peace, joy, and love through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, an opportunity to encounter Jesus' mercy.

Confession Times

Confession is in the Main Church:

Mondays from 5-6:30 pm
Thursdays from 5-6:30 pm
Saturdays from 8-9 am

For Confession Times around the World

Confession Information

10 Reasons To Go to Confession

1. Confession helps you feel better: It’s like cleaning up your heart and getting rid of bad feelings.

2. You can say sorry: When you make mistakes, Confession gives you a chance to tell God you’re sorry.

3. God forgives you: He loves you no matter what, and Confession shows you that.

4. It’s like a fresh start: After Confession, you can feel like you have a clean slate to do better.

5. You learn from your mistakes: Confession helps you think about what you did wrong and how to do better next time.

6. It makes you closer to God: When you confess, you build a stronger relationship with Him.

7. You feel lighter: Like a heavy burden lifted off your shoulders when you share your mistakes with God.

8. It’s a safe place: Confession is a private talk with a priest who won’t judge you but will help you.

9. You become a better person: Confession can inspire you to be kinder and more loving to others.

10. Everyone makes mistakes: Confession reminds you that nobody’s perfect, and it’s okay to ask for forgiveness.

How to Have a Good Confession
What is an examination of conscience?

An examination of conscience looks at our actions and thoughts to see if we have done anything wrong or hurtful.

It helps us remember what we need to tell God when we go to Confession.

Going over an examination of conscience before Confession is helpful because it helps us think about the things we might have done wrong, and when we tell God about them, we can feel lighter, happier, and closer to Him, knowing that He forgives us and loves us no matter what.

Different Types of Examinations of Conscience

From Scripture

  • Adult Examination of Conscience based on the Ten Commandments [English] [Spanish]
  • Detailed Examination of Conscience using Ten Commandments and Church Precepts [English] [PDF] [Spanish]

For Adults

For Children and Youth

On the Seven Deadly Sins

In Light of Catholic Social Teaching

Act of Contrition
First Reconciliation Preparation at Prince of Peace
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
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