Ways to Pray

I want to pray with...

A Home Altar

Praying with a home altar can help you feel closer to God and create a special place to talk to Him.

A Novena

Praying with a Novena can help you ask God for something important and feel closer to Him by repeating a special prayer for nine days in a row.

Art or Visio Divina

Praying with art by creating Spirit-inspired art can help you express your thoughts and feelings in a beautiful and creative way, making your connection with the divine more personal and meaningful.

Praying with Visio Divina can help you feel closer to God and understand His messages better by looking at pictures or art that have special meanings and reflecting on them.


Charismatic Prayer

Catholic Charismatic Prayer, a powerful way to connect with God and experience his love and healing, is a type of prayer that is characterized by its use of praise, worship, and speaking in tongues. By speaking in tongues, you surrender your mind to God’s full glory.

It is a way of praying that is open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as healing, prophecy, and discernment.

Some people find that it helps them to connect with God in a deeper way. Others find that it helps them to experience his love and healing. Still others find that it helps them to grow in their faith and to be more open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative prayer is a type of prayer that involves sitting in silence and simply being present with God. It is a way of listening to God’s voice and letting him speak to us in our hearts.

Here are some other reasons why someone might want to pray with contemplative prayer:

  • To find peace and tranquility in a busy world.
  • To learn to trust in God’s love and guidance.
  • To grow in self-awareness and compassion.
  • To connect with others who are also seeking God.



Praying with journaling can help you express your thoughts and feelings to God, making your connection with Him stronger and giving you a personal space to grow spiritually.

Lectio Divina

Praying with scripture using Lectio Divina helps you feel closer to God by reading and thinking carefully about His words in the Bible.

Meditative Prayer

Meditative prayer can help you feel calm and focused by talking to God quietly inside your heart and mind, like having a peaceful conversation with your best friend.


Praying with music can make talking to God more enjoyable and help you feel closer to Him because the melodies and rhythms can touch your heart and create a special connection.

Popular/Common Catholic Prayers

Popular or common Catholic prayers are used by Catholics all over the world. They are written in a way that is easy to understand and can be prayed by people of all ages.

Praying with these prayers can help you to understand the Catholic faith better, to connect with God in a more meaningful way, and to grow in your spiritual life.

The Blessed Sacrament

Praying with the Blessed Sacrament is like talking to a very special and close friend, Jesus, who is always there to listen and make us feel loved.

The Bible

Praying with the Bible provides guidance, inspiration, and a deeper connection with God through the Sacred Scriptures.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Praying with The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is important because it helps us ask God to be kind and forgiving to everyone, including ourselves, and brings us closer to His love and mercy.

The Examen

The Catholic examen prayer is a simple, five-step process of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern his direction for us. The examen is an ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience.

The five steps of the examen are:

  1. Giving thanks: We begin by giving thanks to God for all the good things that have happened in our day, big or small.
  2. Asking for light: We then ask the Holy Spirit to help us see our day clearly and to discern God’s presence in it.
  3. Examining: We reflect on the events of our day, paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We ask ourselves where we have seen God’s grace at work, and where we have fallen short of his will.
  4. Sorrow: We acknowledge any sins or mistakes that we have made, and we ask God for forgiveness.
  5. Resolution: We make a resolution to live more in accordance with God’s will in the future.

The examen prayer can be prayed at any time of day, but it is often prayed at the end of the day as a way of winding down and preparing for sleep. It can also be prayed in the morning as a way of setting our intention for the day.

The examen prayer is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and discernment. It can help us to become more aware of God’s presence in our lives, and to grow in our understanding of his will for us. If you are looking for a way to deepen your prayer life, I encourage you to try the examen prayer.

Here is a simple prayer that you can use to pray the examen:

God, I thank you for all the good things that have happened in my day. I ask for your light to help me see your presence in my day.

I examine my day, and I see where you have been at work in my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I am grateful for your grace, and I ask for your forgiveness for any sins or mistakes that I have made.

I resolve to live more in accordance with your will in the future. Thank you for your love and guidance. Amen.

The Liturgy of the Hours

The Liturgy of the Hours is a prayerful way to connect with God throughout the day and grow in your faith.

The Liturgy of the Hours is a set of prayers that are prayed at different times of the day. It is a way of praying the Psalms, reading Scripture, and reflecting on the mysteries of the faith. The Liturgy of the Hours can help you to connect with God throughout the day, to grow in your faith, and to learn more about the Catholic Church.

Here are some of the benefits of praying the Liturgy of the Hours:

  • It can help you to grow in your relationship with God.
  • It can help you to learn more about the Catholic faith.
  • It can help you to connect with other Catholics in prayer.
  • It can help you to find peace and stillness in your day.
The Rosary

Praying with the Rosary is a powerful prayer that can help you grow in your faith and connect with Jesus and Mary while reflecting on important events from the life of Jesus.

The Seven Sorrows of Mary

Praying with The Seven Sorrows of Mary helps you feel closer to Jesus and understand His love for His mother while finding comfort in times of sadness and difficulties.

The Stations of the Cross

Praying with The Stations of the Cross can help you understand and feel closer to Jesus by following his journey and experiencing his love and sacrifice for us.

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