How to Pray the Rosary

When does Prince of Peace pray the Rosary as a community?
At Prince of Peace, we have many opportunities to pray the rosary in here on campus:
In English
- Monday through Friday in the Mary Chapel after the 9 am English Masses
- Tuesdays after the 9 am Daily Mass with the Pro-Life Ministry outside the Planned Parenthood located on Louetta Road
- Fridays at 11:30 am in the Mary Chapel before the 12:10 pm Mass
- Fridays with Legion of Mary at 7 pm in the St. Joseph Building in Room 117
- Saturdays in the Mary Chapel after 9 am Mass (in addition to the Divine Mercy Chaplet)
- First Tuesdays of every month at 7 pm in the Mary Chapel with the Knights of Columbus
In Spanish
- Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the Mary Chapel at 6:30 pm before the 7 pm Mass
- Every 12th of the month, the Guadalupanos pray the Rosary in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto or the Mary Chapel at 6 pm
- Fridays with the Legion of Mary at 9 am in the St. Joseph Center in Room 206
Why Pray the Rosary?
There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
Sister Lucia, of the seers of Fatima