Adopt a Family Adoption Weekend Volunteer Opportunity

November 16 - 17  |  Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center

Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA

This volunteer sign-up is for staffing the table during Adoption Weekend, November 16th and 17th, in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center to help all enrolled families get adopted.

  • The table in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center should be staffed at least 15 minutes before Mass and up to 30 minutes after Mass.
  • Select the Mass that your family usually attends.
  • We will have tables outside the exit doors of the Church for both Saturday and Sunday evening Masses.  (Fellowship Sonday event does not occur after these 4 Masses, so parishioners generally leave church and go straight to the parking lots.)
  • Please remember to sign in and out on the volunteer sign-in sheet at the table.
  • If you have children (under the age of 18) helping, please print the medical release form linked below, complete it and leave it behind the sign-in sheet.

If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Ana Garza-Ibarra at