English Lenten Mission with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM

March 17 - 19, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm  |  Main Church

Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA

The talks during our parish Lenten mission entitled, “Signed and Sealed with The Cross” will deepen your understanding of the rich history and meaning behind the sign of the cross, a gesture Christians have made for centuries.

Over three nights, Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, will help us reflect on how this simple yet powerful act shapes our faith, challenges us to live with purpose, and strengthens our connection to God.


As early as the 3rd century, Christians started to sign themselves with a cross. Eighteen centuries later, we continue the practice of making the sign of the cross when we start to pray, when we celebrate the sacraments, and when we enter a church. Done so often and usually out of habit, has this ancient gesture lost its meaning for us?

We will explore the identity of our God proclaimed in the ancient gesture of being signed with a cross. We will also explore the challenges and responsibilities we accept when we seal our lives with the sign of our salvation.


Ordained a Franciscan priest in 1983, Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, is a popular preacher and teacher. A former missionary to mainland China for over eleven years, he is the award-winning author of more than fifteen books on popular spirituality and the presenter on five bestselling streaming videos (Paraclete Press). He currently resides in San Antonio TX.