Good Friday Schedule

Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus giving His life for us on the cross—a tough moment that led to the best news ever: Easter and our salvation. It’s called Good Friday because, even through the pain, Jesus brought us the greatest good—His love and forgiveness.

Join us for our Good Friday service and experience the power of Christ’s love—a time to pause, reflect, and find real hope in Him!

  • Parish Office Closed
  • No Eucharistic Adoration
  • No 9 am or 12:10 pm English Daily Masses

  • 10 am Live Outdoor Bilingual Stations of the Cross (Church Plaza)
  • After Outdoor Stations of the Cross: Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena Prayer (Divine Mercy Grotto)
  • 12-3 pm Confessions (Mary Chapel)

  • 2:30 pm* English Communion Service (Main Church)
  • 5 pm* Spanish Communion Service (Main Church) followed by Seven Sorrows of Mary Prayer Service (Mary Chapel)
  • 7:30 pm* English Communion Service (Main Church)

*incense will be used