St. Joseph Foster Care Program (Coming Soon)

About Us

The objective of the St. Joseph Foster Care Program is to raise awareness of the many ways Catholics can support children who enter the State of Texas’ Child Protective Services (CPS) system.

This awareness will be measured by the number of individuals, families and parishes becoming involved in foster care and adoption.

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Who We Serve

We serve foster children, foster families, and those involved in the foster care system, providing support, resources, and care to vulnerable children in need of loving homes and nurturing environments.

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What We Know
  • Taking care of the orphan is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic faith.
  • Being a foster/adoptive parent for children in the CPS system is very difficult. Children are often older. Regardless of age, they also often have mental, emotional, psychological and/or physical challenges. Many have siblings also needing care and they wish to be together.
  • Children in foster care move on average three times because the foster family is not adequately prepared to care for them. Moving and inconsistent care can add to the trauma experienced in the original abusive environment.
  • It takes a village to raise any child, but especially children who have experienced trauma. There are many roles and ways we can wrap a foster child and their families – biological, foster and adoptive — in a nurturing network of support.
Call to Action

Being a foster parent is a special calling, similar to God’s call to people to be a “forever” parent, or to the vocation of marriage.

Not everyone has this calling to be a foster parent, and sometimes people find themselves moved to be a foster parent later in life.

Regardless, by our baptism, each of us is called to love our neighbor and to serve one another with a spirit of generosity. Therefore, each of us has a role to play in supporting foster parents.

This resource kit offers practical ways for a parish to discern how it can be a community of support and love for children in the foster care system and their families, both foster and biological.

Each parish has a unique set of gifts and challenges which must be honored as parishioners discern their engagement.

St. Joseph: a Model to Address Foster Children’s Needs

Even after news reports of children sleeping on office floors, or worse, their tragic deaths, Texas’ foster crisis continues. We need more foster parents ready to serve God’s children who are caught in the state’s beleaguered child welfare system. It would be so simple if Christians heard the Scripture’s call to “let the children come unto me” and opened their homes to the thousands of children needing safe families. But fear and circumstance hinder many of us from answering this call.

As Paul reminds the Romans in today’s second reading, God’s promise to Abraham was not fulfilled by the law, but by faith. God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah seemed preposterous: they were elderly and had no children. Yet God promised Abraham he would be the father of many nations.

The Gospel of Matthew tells us when Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he intended to divorce her quietly and leave the child fatherless. Despite being a righteous man, taking on the care of a child that was not “his” was more than he could bear. The angel of the Lord appears to him in a dream telling him, “Do not be afraid.” Through Joseph’s courage, he became our Lord’s foster father; he became the protector of Jesus and Mary. Later, another angel tells Joseph, “Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Egypt.” Through obedience to God, Joseph shielded our Lord and our Blessed Mother from Herod’s wickedness.

As the foster children of Texas wait, we must have the courage to heed this same message: “Do not be afraid.” Yes, the needs of these children are many, and you may not feel adequate. Let’s be honest, you probably aren’t. Abraham and Sarah probably felt the same way. But just as God promised Abraham and Sarah the seemingly impossible, so does he promise, through our parish today, the support and resources to help you. Like the magi who brought gifts to the Holy Family, ministries and non-profits stand ready to assist you in providing for the needs of these children. While we may not experience angelic dreams calling us to action, foster children in Texas need us to be attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit telling us to rise up and take care of these beloved children. Will you consider the call?

Important Dates

March 19
Feast of St. Joseph, patron of foster parents

Child Abuse Prevention Month
Last Sunday in April: Blue Sunday (National Day of Prayer for Victims of Child Abuse)

Month of Mary, Mother of God
National Foster Care Month
Mother’s Day
National HELP (Honor, Encourage, Love and Pray for) Child Welfare Professionals Week

Father’s Day

July 26
Feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim, Jesus’ grandparents

Respect Life Month

National Adoption Month

Feast of the Holy Family

Volunteer with Us

Who Can Serve

Any Safe-Environment-certified adult 18 and up.

What Volunteers Do

Volunteers provide vital support, love, and care for foster children and families, embodying the spirit of St. Joseph’s devotion and selflessness.

When We Serve

As needed basis.

Why You Should Serve

By volunteering, you can embrace the call to compassionate service and make a lasting impact on vulnerable children’s lives while living out the Gospel’s values.

Required Safe Environment Training

If you are 18 years old and above, our archdiocese requires all adult volunteers to complete safe environment training.

This short one-hour online training teaches people how to create a secure and protected environment for everyone, especially children, by recognizing and preventing potential risks or harm.

Click here to register for Safe Environment Training.

Contact Us

Susan Gallagher

Director of Mercy Ministry

Manuela Rodriguez (Bilingual)

Mercy Ministry Receptionist

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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