Sacrament of Matrimony

I'm interested in receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony.
I'm civilly married and want receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.
I've been married before and want to receive an annulment.

What is the Sacrament of Matrimony?

The Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church is a sacred ceremony where two people (a man and a woman) who love each other make a commitment to spend the rest of their lives together in a partnership of love and faithfulness. They are united in a special way by God and receive the Church's blessing on their relationship. Through this sacrament, the couple is empowered to love and support each other and to raise any children they have in the Catholic faith.

More Information about This Sacrament

Why You Should Receive This Sacrament
  • To share their love with someone special: Getting married in the Catholic Church is a way for two people who love each other to share their love in a special way. They can make a commitment to each other to be faithful and to support each other for the rest of their lives.
  • To start a family: Many couples who get married in the Catholic Church want to start a family and have children. They believe that their marriage is a special way to create a loving home for their children and to raise them in the Catholic faith.
  • To be blessed by God: Catholics believe that getting married in the Church is a way to receive God’s blessing on their relationship. By making a commitment to each other in the presence of God and the Church community, they can receive God’s grace and guidance as they journey through life together.
Who Can Receive

In the Catholic Church, two people who are not already married and are of opposite genders (a man and a woman) can receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. They must be free to marry (not currently married or in a relationship that could lead to marriage) and must be committed to a lifelong partnership of love and faithfulness to each other. Additionally, they must be willing to raise any children they have in the Catholic faith.

When and Where

In the Catholic Church, someone can receive the Sacrament of Matrimony in a church, chapel, or other Catholic sacred place.

The wedding ceremony is usually performed by a priest or deacon and is attended by family and friends.

The timing of the wedding can vary based on the couple’s preferences and the availability of the church.

Some couples prefer to get married during a Mass, while others choose to have a separate wedding ceremony.

The couple typically meets with the priest or deacon several times before the wedding to prepare for the sacrament and to ensure that they are ready for the commitment of marriage.

Sign Up to Volunteer with Our Wedding Ministry

If you have a passion for helping people prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony, please consider serving as a volunteer minister for our Wedding ministry!




Contact Us

Christy Wright

Director of Family Life

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
Genesis 2:24
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